Sunday, December 2, 2012

Perceived Brand Image By Customers And Purchasing Behavior And Motivation

Below you can see a chart showing the segmentation of sparkling waters by nature of consumption.

People like to dish with some brands of sparkling water. For example, San Pellegrino goes well with cheese, meat and fish.
People who can drink sparkling water as well as still water or drinking sparkling water as a habit.
People drink sparkling water as healthy water rich in vitamins and minerals.
People like to enjoy sparkling water in the time of leisure and entertainment.
Demographics Social Group
Well-off people
Living near coasts
People 25 to 77+
Non-Urban people
People 60+
People 45+
Likely to be green consumers
With Children
Urban people
Young adults from 18 to 25
Active adults from 25 to 45
Motivation & Lifestyle
Conviviality: San Pellegrino embodies conviviality. People like to share it with friends in diner for happy atmosphere.
Tradition: In Europe, sparking water is an important part of food culture. Majority like to enjoy sparking water while eating, as European traditional culture.
Fine Dining: More and more restaurant and chef recommend sparkling water during meal, because it is helpful to highlight the quality and stimulates the taste of some special food.
Drinking Sparkling water like drinking still water, just for hydratation and refreshing. No specific motivation, no specific lifestyle.
Substituting soda beverages, like COKE, by sparkling water.
Nature: Many brands introduce the nature element for their own product. San Pellegrino and Perrier are pound of their sources. Many people think that they can absorb micro element and nutrition form sparkling water.
Sport: Because sparking water includes CO2, which is helpful for release the heat from body, most people prefer it after sport.
Cafe culture: Many French like to drink the sparkling water in cafe. They can enjoy it leisurely with a newspaper or a novel in cafe.
Club culture:
Many people like creating cocktails with it, which is quite popular among young people. In clubs or bars, some people prefer drinking it instead of alcohol; which sometimes arouses passion and excitement in their minds.
Associated Consumption Emotions
People who like to drink sparkling water during dinner consider it as a resource of refinement. With the delicious & high-end food and sparkling water, all the characteristics of gastronomy and pleasure of food are put together.
No specific associated emotion. Sparkling water has here, only a functional use.
Usually brands highlight the positive effects of their rich-in-minerals sparkling water and introduce them with the spring by using convincing information and visuals as promotion. People then feel comfortable and healthy.
Pleasure, entertainment, excitement felt among young people. According to different situations, sparkling water can give multiple feeling for people. However, it can relax people very well regardless of the stuation.
More Likely to choose brand such as
San Pellegrino, Badoit and Quezac
Perrier, Badoit, Salvetat, St Armand
Vichy CĂ©lestins, Saint Yorre, Rozana

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